Boosting confidence for a competitive exam?
The 3 elements that make up Confidence- Attitude towards failure, Habits and Success

Confidence is the outcome of one’s control over the situation. Situations can be challenging and in many of the cases one might fail. However, to become confident is to fail faster and move on. Moving on from failure is an essential attribute to grow confidence.
Once we start moving from one failure to another without getting affected much, it gives the necessary fodder to our brain to do better next time. Imagine you are in a relationship, and your partner ditches you, either you can be gloomy about the results or you can move on. It’s hard to move on, the same can happen with an examination where you have invested a lot of time and effort, where you are unable to move on.
To move on one has to focus on possibilities and not the obstacles in the given situation. Because everything has an expiry in this world. This is hard to imagine by a young and youthful one, because everything seems to exist forever- the strength, the vigour and vitality of the body, the mental state seem like working in favour.
However, as we mature in society, it becomes difficult to keep all the energies in a balanced state at a time. This means you cannot work on exams, your relationship or your physical state or mental state at a time. For these habits can help, so develop good habits.
So, once we have good habits, once we have a positive attitude towards failure; we are almost good to go. But the last element that is essential for confidence is success.
Success could be anything for anyone. For example, reducing weight can be a successful outcome for some of us. Or even having a sound sleep could mean success. On the other hand, achieving ambitions like qualifying an exam or getting a dream job could mean success.
While pursuing success, it is important to know that setting goals that are within the reach i.e. being risk averse is the best strategy if you are not sure about your capabilities. Even if you are sure, it is always better to test them out, before confirming yourselves about your capabilities. There exists no shortcut to success, so whenever you decide, at what age, you still have to toil it out to achieve success.
Rationally speaking, everybody wants a successful career. This sets ground for many things in life. Even the ability to express choice for your partner depends on that. So, it is always better to check your energies, whether they are distracted or focused. Leave out everything that is distracting and invite everything that keeps you focused. So, setting the proper atmosphere while preparing for an exam is your responsibility.
The rest that has to be done is to study for the exam. All the best!